দি  ইন্সটিটিউট ফর কুরআনিক রিসার্চ এন্ড এ্যাপ্লিকেশন (ইক্বরা)


ইক্বরার লক্ষ্য হলো বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যত প্রজন্মের জন্য স্রষ্টার ঐশী বাণীর সমন্বিত অধ্যয়ন ও সার্বজনীন প্রয়োগের জন্য জ্ঞানদীপ্ত অনুশীলন।


ইক্বরার উদ্দেশ্য হলো কুরআনের বাণীর উত্তরোত্তর সমৃদ্ধ অনুধাবনের জন্য টেকসই ভিত্তি প্রস্তুত করা এবং জীবন ও সমাজের প্রায়োগিকতার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় জ্ঞানভিত্তিক ফ্রেমওয়ার্ক বা কাঠামো নির্মাণ।

প্রকাশিত বইসমূহ

009. Surah At-Taubah

(1-3) (As already stated in 2/144, the Rasool and the Jamaat-ul-Momineen in Madina had constant yearning that they should have possession of, and jurisdiction over, Makkah which Allah had decided to be the centre of the Divine Order. It took about eight long years of hard struggle and frequent wars to conquer Makkah in the year 8th of Hijra. Treaties were made with the opponents, the Mushrikeen, who violated them frequently. In view of this a proclamation was made by the Divine system at the occasion of the grand assembly of Hajj.) O Mushrikeen! the Divine Order with which you had made a treaty is now absolved of it. You are, however, free to move about in the land as you like for a period of 4 months. Mind it that you do nothing to weaken the Order otherwise you will be put to humiliation. If you desist from your mischief, it will be better for you. But if you revolt, you should know that it will not be possible for you to weaken the Divine Order and a painful chastisement shall await you. 

(4) The above proclamation does not apply to those who have not violated their treaties with the Divine Order nor aided anyone against it. Therefore, execute the terms of the treaty as agreed to for the period of its duration. Allah likes those who honour their commitments. 

(5) If after the expire of these forbidden (four) months, the Mushrikeen still persist in their mischief, then you should wage war against them, capture them, lay siege upon them and lie in wait for them and ambush them. But if they desist and (having accepted Islam voluntarily) join you in the establishment of the Nizam of Salat and Zakat do not pursue them any longer for Allah is Protector and Raheem (9/11). 

(6) If any of the enemies (Mushrikeen) seeks your protection, grant him asylum and explain Allah’s Laws to him. Then if he desires to go back, provide him safe conduct to his place of security. He does not know how beneficial it is for him to live under the umbrella of the Divine Order as a Muslim or even as a non-Muslim.

 (7) How can the treaties with these enemies be trusted by the Divine Order when they are violated at every opportunity. The exception is those who made the treaty at Kaba and kept it - as long as they keep it you should do likewise. Allah likes those who honour their commitments.

 (8-9) How can the treaties of the Mushrikeen be trusted - they are a people who whenever they have a slight edge over you, respect neither the ties of kinship nor any agreement that they have entered into. They want to keep you happy with cajolery while their faces belie their hearts. The majority of them are Fasiqeen. They barter the terms of the treaty for paltry gains and turn others aside from the path of Allah. How evil is that which they do!

(10) So far from adhering to the terms of the treaties made with the Divine Order, they do not even respect their ties of relationship with the believers. They transgress beyond the limits of social relationships (42/23). 

(11) If they voluntarily accept Islam and join you in the establishment of the Nizam-us-Salat and Zakat, you should regard them as brothers in Islam. Thus We make Our Directives clear to people of understanding. 

(12) But if after taking the oath of alliance with you, they break it and taunt and revile your Deen, then there will be no alternative for you but to engage in war against their archetypes of Kufr so that they may desist from further mischief.

 (13) Just think - what hesitation could there possibly be in fighting against those who break their oaths so frequently, expelled the Rasool and attacked you first? Do you fear them? If you are true Momineen you should fear only the consequences of disobeying Allah’s laws.

 (14-15) So wage war against them. Allah will chastise them through your instrumentality, and put them to shame by giving you victory over them - victory which will relieve you of the fear and anxiety on account of your enemies. Despite all this, the doors of repentance are still open to them. This is how Allah’s Law operates. He knows and is Wise (8/17, 22/40). 

(16) O Jamaat-ul-Momineen, do you think that the victory promised to you will come to you even if you do nothing? After your profession of faith, it will be made known who amongst you struggled hard in the cause of Allah, and befriended none other than Allah, the Rasool and the Jamaat-ul-MomineenAllah is fully apprised of what you do (2/214, 3/141, 29/1-2).

 (17) It is obvious that the Mas’ajid, the centres of Divine Order should not be maintained by the Mushrikeen whose rejection of this order is self-evident. All their activities will go waste and in fire they shall abide. 

(18) These Mas’ajid should only be maintained by those who believe in Allah and the hereafter, establish Nizam-us-Salat and Zakat and expected to follow the right path. 

(19) It is true that the Mushrikeen used to provide drink to the pilgrims and maintain the sacred Mosque but can they be placed equal to those who believe in Allah and the life hereafter and strive hard in the cause of Allah? They cannot be regarded as equal in the estimation of Allah. The Zalimeen can in noise be considered as following the right path. 

(20) Mark that those who believe in Allah and the life hereafter and who abandon their homes and struggle in the cause of Allah with their possessions and their persons rank high in the estimation of Allah. These are they who will attain success. 

(21-22) They receive glad tidings of Rahmat from their Rabb and of lasting bliss. They harmonise their lives with Allah’s laws and as a result of this, they live blissfully beyond the count of time. This is a great reward for them from Allah.

 (23) O Jamaat-ul-Momineen do not take your fathers or your brothers for friends if they prefer Kufr to Eiman and whosoever amongst you will do so will be deemed to be from the Zalimeen

(24) O Rasool tell the Momineen, “If your fathers and your children and your brothers and your wives and your kith and kin and the wealth that you have acquired and the merchandise whose depreciation you fear and the dwellings of which you are very fond - are dearer to you than the Divine Order and striving in the cause of Allah, then wait and see what Allah’s Law of Mukafat will disclose. You know well that Fasiqeen cannot follow the path leading to blissful life.” 

(25-27) This is a fact that Allah has helped you on many a previous occasions especially on the day of the Battle of Hunain. You were misled by your larger numbers which could, however, be of no avail to you. Despite its vastness, the earth straightened on you and you had to turn back from the battle. It was then that Allah, through unseen hosts, infused in the hearts of the Rasool and the Momineen the spirit of a steadiness and self-assurance and defeated the Kafireen as they deserved to be. Your faltering was unintentional, hence Allah gave you protection (8/10, 9/40, 3/125, 41/30). 

(28) O Jamaat-ul-Momineen, the custodian-ship of the Kaba cannot be with the Mushrikeen on account of their impurity [*1] of heart. They should, therefore, not come near the sacred Mosque after this year. If you fear that their absence will be detrimental to your business and impoverish you, remember that you will receive such abundant nurture from Allah in accordance with His laws that you will not be needy. Allah is Knowing and Wise. 

(29) In addition to Mushrikeen, there are Ahl-ul-Kitab who oppose the Divine Order in like manner. They do not truly believe in Allah and the life hereafter (2/137). They live within the boundaries of the Islamic system as non-Muslims and enjoy full human rights but do not adhere to the laws which apply to them. There is, therefore, no alternative but to fight with them also until they surrender and agree to pay the exemption tax (Jizya) with a willing hand after having been subdued in the war. 

(30) The Jews have taken the Egyptian god (Osiris) as the son of Allah, and Christians have taken the Messiah to be the son of Allah. They utter such words without thinking in imitation to the Kafireen before them who used to entertain similar beliefs. (They deserve the imprecation) “May Allah destroy them”! how they are deluded from the truth. 

(31-33) Not only do they create sons of Allah; the Jews also take their Rabbis and priests for Allah and the Christians deify Jesus although they were all enjoined to obey only Allah except whom none has authority in the universe and who is far above those whom people set up as His peers. (18/26, 18/11). 

            Their ardent desire is to extinguish the light of Allah with such utterances but Allah will not allow (this to pass) for He has willed to spread His light in fullness - no matter how much the Kafireen abhor it. For this purpose He has sent His Rasool with true guidance and a Divine Order which should prevail over all human orders, much to the dislike of the Mushrikeen (48/28). 

(34-35) O Jamaat-ul-Momineen, a good many of the monks and priests devour others’ property and turn them away from Allah’s path. There are others who hoard gold and silver and do not keep it open for use in the way of Allah. For both are tidings of grievous chastisement. On the Day of Reckoning, the gold and silver will be heated in the fire of Jahannam and their foreheads, sides and backs will be branded therewith, and it will be said to them: “This is what you had treasured up for your exclusive use and deprived the needy of it. Taste then your treasures which you had amassed” (70/18, 104/6-7)

 (36) According to Allah’s Law of nature, there are twelve months in a year ever since that law has been in operation. Of these four are declared as sacred during which waging war is prohibited - this is the right system (2/217). Do not wrong yourselves by initiating warfare during these months. But if notwithstanding the sacred character of these months, the Mushrikeen attack you in a body, you can do likewise and always remember that Allah is with those who adhere to His laws.

 (37) Remember! those months in which Allah has forbidden to wage war are not to be intercalated. (This in fact amounts to violating the treaties and the international law.) Such intercalation is but, one more instance of their refusal to acknowledge the truth - a means by which, those who are bent upon denying the truth are led astray. They declared a month to be sacred one year, but made it sacrilegious next time - thus making the number of months sanctified accord with theirs. And by such adjustments the month forbidden by Allah are made lawful by them. The gains that accrue to them in this way, seemed very fair to them; but Allah does not grace with His guidance, people who refuse to acknowledge the truth. 

(38-39) O Jamaat-ul-Momineen, sometimes it happens that when you are asked to march forth in the cause of Allah some weak-minded amongst you act as thought they are rooted in the earth. They prefer worldly gains to the blessings of the life hereafter although the gains offered by the life of this world are insignificant in comparison to what the life of the hereafter offers. Remember, if you do not march forth Allah will certainly chastise you with a serious chastisement - that He will replace you by another people (47/38, 70/41). You can do no harm to Allah since He has control over everything. (21/10).

 (40) If you do not assist your Rasool in the establishment of the Divine Order, (know that Allah will do so - just as) Allah helped him at the time when Kuffar drove him away (out of Makkah) with only one by his side and the two had repaired into a cave when the Rasool had said to his companion “grieve not; be certain that Allah is with us” (and will not let our enemies triumph over us). Thus did Allah set his heart at ease and assisted him (during the battle of Badar) by means of unseen hosts (9/26). The purpose of this confrontation was that the man-made systems of the Kafireen should be defeated and Allah’s system prevail triumphantly - for Allah is Al-Mighty Wise. 

(41) Therefore, O Jamaat-ul-Momineen do not consider yourselves as weak. March forth in the cause of Allah with whatever equipment you have - light or heavy - and strive with all your possessions and your lives. This will bring you good if you can understand it.

 (42) So far as hypocrites are concerned, they create problems when the occasion for war arises. If they were assured of a speedy gain and the journey was not too arduous, they would readily agree to follow you. But if the circumstances were adverse, they would make excuses for not participating, swearing by Allah: “Had we been able to go, we would certainly have gone forth with you.” By their false oaths they harm only themselves because Allah knows that they are liars. 

(43) O RasoolAllah forgive you! why did you permit them so readily to stay away? If you had waited for a while they would have exposed themselves and thus given you an opportunity to tell apart those who were truly staunch in their Eiman and those who were liars. 

(44) The truth is that those who truly believe in Allah and in the life hereafter will never ask to be exempted from fighting with their possessions and lives in the cause of AllahAllah knows well about the Muttaqeen

(45) Exemption is sought only by those who do not truly believe in Allah and the life hereafter, whose hearts are filled with doubt which makes them hesitant to act.

 (46) It is obvious that if they had intended truly to set out with you they would have made some preparations for doing so but Allah was averse for their taking to field, so He caused them to hold back, when it was said (you may) stay at home, along with all the others who stay at home. 

(47) If they had accompanied you they would have added nothing to your strength but mischief and also created disaffection amongst your ranks by scurrying to-and-fro; from which, some who were like them, would have readily paid heed to them. And Allah has full knowledge of the evil-doers! 

(48) What they are doing is nothing new - they have done it before when they attempted to stir up disaffection amongst your followers and contrived, in diverse manners, to make things difficult for you till the truth prevailed and Allah’s Order succeeded despite their chagrin. 

(49) Of these hypocrites there are some who, individually ask for your permission to stay away and be spared the trouble of going to war. Mark! is not their present behaviour a cause for their own trouble? The fact is that Jahannam certainly encompasses them.

 (50) If success betides you it grieves them, if adversity overtakes you, they say to themselves: “We were careful to protect ourselves in advance.” Rejoicing, they turn away. 

(51) Say to them: “Whatever will befall us will be in accordance with Allah’s law of Mukafat. He alone is our protector and so in Him alone the Momineen should repose their complete trust.” 

(52) Say to them: “You are simply waiting to see which of the two events befalls us - defeat or success. We welcome both. (In the case of defeat if we are slain, eternal blissful life will be our reward. If we are victorious it will help us continue our struggle for the establishment of Divine Order). On our part, we will wait to see Allah chastising you by external means or through us (9/14). So you wait and surely we shall also wait with you.” 

(53) If these hypocrites want to avert the trouble of going to war by making a financial contribution, tell them: “Whether you make this offer willingly or unwillingly, it cannot be accepted, for you are surely a people who are deeply-entrenched Fasiqeen.” 

(54) Tell them that the reason why their contribution cannot be accepted is that they are opposed to the Divine Order set up by the Rasool, and only join the assembly of Salat languidly, and do not make their contribution except reluctantly (4/142, 107/5).

 (55) It is a fact that they have great riches and a large tribe. This should not, however, amaze you. It is these things which will become a cause for the devastation in this life (9/85) and they will not depart from here except in a state of Kufr.

 (56) They will swear by Allah that they are indeed one of you while they are not. They are cowardly and use hypocrisy to shield their cowardice.

 (57) If they could find a place of refuge or any cavern or a crevice in the earth, they would rush towards it in headlong haste. 

(58) There are some whose meanness goes to such an extent that they try to defame you O Rasool and allege that you have been partial in the distribution of the Sadaqaat. The fact is that if they had been given as much as they wanted they would have been pleased, but since they were not, they fell into a fury against you. 

(59) How good it would have been for them if they had felt satisfied with their due share given to them by the Divine Order and said that their association with this Order was enough for them, that in the future also they would continue to get their share and would refer their needs to the Divine Order (59/6). 

(60) The Sadaqaat are meant for the:-

 1.      The indigent (2/273),

2.      Those incapacitated to earn (90/15-16),

3.      Those who are employed in the collection and administration of Sadaqaat.

4.      Helping those who sincerely wish to join the Divine Order but are unable to do so due to financial difficulties,

5.      Setting free those in bondage (90/13),

6.      Those who are unduly burdened financially,

7.      Those who strive in the cause of Allah and

8.      Stranded travellers.

 This is an Ordinance from Allah who is the All-Knowing and Wise. 

(61) There are some amongst the hypocrites who wish to annoy the Rasool by slander. They say that he lends an easy ear to one and all and is gullible. Tell them O Rasool that it is in their own interest that he listens to everyone. But he is not gullible because he believes in the laws of Allah and trusts the word of the believers. He is, therefore, Rahmat to such of you as believe and those who annoy the Rasool shall suffer a grievous chastisement (17/36, 49/6). 

(62) One of the strategies of the hypocrites is to bypass the Divine Order and to win over individual Momineen to their side by means of oaths. Tell them O Rasool that it would have been more appropriate for them to abide by the Divine Order instead of trying to win over individual Momineen.

 (63) Do they not know that for those who oppose the Divine Order, there is in store the fire of hell, there-in to abide! There is no ignominy greater than this. 

(64) The hypocrites are fearful lest a Surah be revealed which should disclose what is hidden in their hearts. Say to them O Rasool, “Go ahead with your mockery. Allah will in any case, lay bare that of which you are fearful.” 

(65) If you ask them O Rasool why they indulge in such mockery, they will surely say “We were amusing ourselves with light talk.” Say to them: “Do you amuse yourselves at the expense of Allah, His revelations and His Rasool?” 

(66) All these are lame-excuses. The fact is that they have returned to Kufr after professing Eiman. Some of them have done so knowingly. They are the real criminals and must be punished. Those who have followed them unknowingly and repent for their deeds may be forgiven. 

(67) The hypocrites - whether men or women - are all alike. They enjoin what is forbidden by Allah’s law and forbid what is recognized by this law to be good; they are close-fisted in the matter of spending for the cause of Allah. They have forsaken Allah completely and have over-stepped the bounds of uprightness. Allah has also forsaken them (59/19).

(68) The recompense for the hypocrites - men or women - and the Kafireen is Jahannam wherein they will dwell - this recompense is adequate in itself. They will be deprived of the blessings of Allah and long lasting chastisement awaits them. 

(69) (Tell them that) you have become just like the people, who lived before your time. They were more powerful than you, had greater wealth and larger progeny. They enjoyed their share of these things for a limited period (and then got perished). Likewise you also enjoy your share of good things of life for some time: and the way they wasted their lives in frivolous things, you also continue doing that. 

            (But remember one thing) these are the people whose entire works and activities, whether they are for this world or for the here-after - all lay waste. So it is they - the entire lot of them who are the losers!. 

(70) Have they not heard of those who have gone before them - of the people of Noah and of Aad and of Thamud and of the people of Abraham and of those who had dwelt in Median and of the cities uprooted? Their Rusul came to them with clear teachings but they did not pay heed to them and were destroyed. It is not the way of Allah to unjustly harm any people but people harm themselves. 

(71-72) On the other hand, believers - men and women - are friends to each other. They enjoin what is recognized as good by the Quran and forbid that which the Quran does not so recognise. They establish the Nizam of Salat and Zakat. They obey the Divine Order. They receive Rahmat from Allah Who is Powerful and Wise. To them - men and women - Allah has promised gardens wherein flow streams and wherein they shall abide in goodly mansions erected in the midst of perpetual greenery. They shall also have another blessing still higher than these - a life harmonious with Allah’s plan. This indeed is the highest achievement which human beings can attain (9/100, 47/26-28, 57/12, 66/8, 76/30). 

(73) O Rasool strive against the Kafireen and the Munafiqeen and be strict with them because they have gone too far in their treachery. Their ultimate destination will be Jahannam which is a very trying destination. 

(74) They always talk about Kufr amongst themselves. Indeed they have reverted to Kufr after professing Islam outwardly. They devise ineffective plans against you. But when they are asked about this they swear by Allah that they have never done any such thing. They act maliciously towards the believers out of envy for what the Divine Order had bestowed upon them. If they repent even now it would be better for them but if they revert to their former way of life, Allah will chastise them with a grievous chastisement in this world as also in the hereafter. They shall not have on earth any friend or helper. 

(75-76) Some of them had made a pledge to Allah, if Allah gave them riches out of His bounty they would certainly contribute towards the cause of Allah and thus be amongst the Saliheen. But when Allah gave them riches out of His bounty, they became miserly and retracted from their covenant. 

(77) Thus hypocrisy clung to their hearts until the Day of Reckoning. This was because they had not kept their promise to Allah and had lied. 

(78) Do they not know that Allah is aware of their secrets and their whisperings amongst themselves? Allah is aware of all that is kept hidden.

(79) Their meanness goes to such an extent that they say to those Momineen who have the means to contribute to the cause of Allah that they do so for the sake of show, and they scoff at those who can only offer their services saying that they are paupers. Their scoffing will return to them in the form of grievous chastisement. 

(80) O Rasool you grieve about them and desire that they should be protected, but this cannot come to pass no matter how ardently you desire it. This is because they have stubbornly rejected the Divine Order. Such Fasiqeen can in no way follow the right path (4/64, 63/5-6). 

(81) O Rasool, those hypocrites who did not accompany you in the expedition are delighted that they did not obey the Rasool’s orders. They were averse to striving in the cause of Allah with their possessions and their lives. They themselves stayed away and also asked others not to go in the hot weather. Say to them O Rasool that the fire of Jahannam is more severe in heat if they could only understand. 

(82) Let them laugh for a while; they shall weep for long as a recompense for what they have done. 

(83) If after returning from this expedition, some of them, on some other occasion, ask to accompany you to the battle-field, tell them: “By no means shall you ever go to the battle-field along with me or fight the enemy by my side. You were very happy to sit at home when you were called before, so now you are free to sit at home along with those who have chosen to lag behind.” 

(84) The time has come for you to sever even your social relationships with them. Do not participate even in their funeral rites because they had resisted the Divine Order till their last day and had died as Fasiqeen

(85) Let not their possessions or the number of their progeny astonish you for these will become the cause for their devastation till their departure from this world (9/55) and they still continue denying the truth. 

(86-87) Whenever a Divine command is issued to the faithful to Allah to go forth to battle with his Rasool, such of them (the hypocrites) as have ample means ask for exemption and say: “Permit us to stay away with those who have to sit at home.” They prefer to stay away with those who sit at home. This shows that their hearts are sealed and they have been rendered incapable of understanding. 

(88-89) But the Rasool and his companions who believe in Allah strive in the cause of Divine Order with their lives and their possessions. All good things of life are for them and they shall prosper. Allah has prepared for them gardens wherein flow streams and where they shall abide, this indeed is a great achievement. 

(90-91) Not only the towns people but also some of the Arab nomads come to you to offer excuses, praying for permission to stay behind, while others who have gone back upon their pledge they gave to the Divine Order, sit at home. A grievous chastisement shall soon overtake those who have thus broken their pledges. An exception for staying away from war is made for those who are feeble and ailing and those who have no means to equip themselves for war provided that they sincerely strive for the welfare of the Divine Order whilst staying at home, also there is no cause of reproach on the Mohsineen, as Allah, most certainly is Ghafoor and Raheem

(92) Nor shall any blame lie on those who having no conveyance - of their own come to you O Rasool to arrange for them to be mounted and you had to say: “I am sorry that I cannot find anything for you to mount on.” These people had to turn away in anguish, with tears in their eyes for their inability to spend anything in the cause of Allah (and the Rasool was also tearful that he could not arrange any transportation for them). 

(93) Blame lies on them who having ample means seek your permission to stay away. They prefer to be in the company of those cowards who sit at home and do not go forth for battle. Their hearts are so sealed that they have lost their capacity to understand.

 (94-95) But when you return from your expedition, they come forward to offer their apologies to you. Say to them O Rasool “In no case can we believe you now. Allah had already told us the truth about you (47/30). For the time being the Divine Order shall keep a watch on your doings. The law of Mukafat will lay bare all that you conceal and test all that you profess.” They will appeal to you in the name of Allah not to reprimand them. It is better for you to leave them alone for the time being since their minds are diseased which is affecting their process of thinking and creating doubts in their hearts. If they do not reform themselves, their destination will be Jahannam as a recompense for what they had been doing. 

(96) These people think that you are personally annoyed with them and therefore continue to appease you (9/62). This is not the case - there is no question of personal grievance or appeasement. The matter concerns the Divine Order which will not reconcile with those who remain Fasiqeen

(97) The nomad Arabs are unyielding in their Kufr and hypocrisy and so obdurate that they do not appreciate the implications of the orders issued by the Divine system, but Allah is All-Knowing Wise. 

(98) There are some amongst them who regard what they give away in the cause of Allah as a fine imposed on them and always wait for a change in the circumstances whereby they could encompass (one day) for Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.

 (99) On the other hand there are some amongst them who do believe in Allah and the life hereafter and consider what they give in the cause of Allah as a means of securing a high rank with Allah and the appreciation of the Rasool. They will surely secure high rank which will enable them to enter the Rahmat of Allah who is both Protector and Raheem

(100) Those amongst the Muhajireen and Ansar who were first and foremost in accepting Islam as well as those who had followed their example in the most noble manner are those who harmonise their lives with Allah’s laws which are also in concord with them. Allah has prepared for them gardens wherein streams flow to abide therein beyond the count of time. This indeed is a mighty achievement (8/61- 64, 74, 18/28, 48/29, 57/10). 

(101) There are some hypocrites amongst the Arab nomads around you and even amongst the people of al-Madina who persist in hypocrisy. You do not know them O Rasool but We know them (9/94) We will chastise them lightly twice, but thereafter they will have a severe chastisement. 

(102) There are others who have admitted their faults. Along with their wrongs they have also done some good. Their repentance is acceptable for Allah is Protector and Raheem

(103) You may therefore accept their contribution. (This would mean that they have been accepted as members of your society and system.) And in association wit other members, make arrangements for their education which would purify them (by removing all doubts from their minds) and nourish them. As they grow in their qualities, you should applaud them because your applause will certainly bring them peace of mind. Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing. 

(104) Do they not know that among the people, who, realizing their wrong-doings, promise to undo it (Taubah) and then affirm to go straight in future. Allah accepts their Taubah from His Ibad, and also accepts their contribution (because in the Divine System, such a provision exists). (Know that) Allah is oft-Returning with all the provisions of nourishment (in fullest measure). 

(105) (O Rasool) Tell them that their Taubah has been accepted, but they have to prove it practically by doing good deeds and Allah, His Rasool (the Centre of the Divine System) and Jamaat-ul-Momineen (the members of the Order) would keep an eye on all of your actions; and (in the end) you will be brought before Him who knows all that is beyond the reach of created beings’ perceptions as well as all that can be witnessed by a creature’s senses. (These actions would be weighed according to the law of Mukafat which would) tell you exactly what you had been doing. 

(106) (Most of the cases of those who faltered have been decided) only a few have been deferred, awaiting Allah’s command, whether they should be punished or forgiven (according to His laws) Who is All-Wise. 

(107) There are some amongst the hypocrites who have erected a mosque to show that they are true believers. But the purpose of building this mosque is to do damage to the Divine Order, promote Kufr and cause a split amongst the Momineen. This is not a mosque but a base for operations or those who had in the past fought against the Divine system. When asked about their intentions these people will swear that their motive was good, but Allah bears witness that they are nothing but liars. 

(108) O Rasool you should never step into this mosque (a mosque which causes split in the Muslims is not worthy of your presence. You have nothing to do with these people or their mosque 6/160) - only that mosque is worthy of your presence which has been founded on Taqwa from the beginning and is frequented by those who are pure (from all types of factions and schisms) and are desirous of growing in purity. And Allah loves such people. 

(109) Which of the two is better - one who has laid the foundations of his edifice on Taqwa and harmony with Allah’s Laws, or one who has raised it on the edge of a crumbling bank which is bound to drag him to the fire of JahannamZalimeen never follow the right path. 

(110) This building which they have built will be a source of constant disquiet to them until their hearts are torn to pieces. Allah is the Knowing and is Wise.

(111) On the other hand, there are believers who have entered into a transaction with Allah, through the instrumentality of the Divine Order, Who purchases their very persons and their worldly possessions in return for the abiding blissful life of Jannat. They shall fight in the cause of Allah and slay and be slain and on the part of Allah the promise of Jannat is binding. Similar promises were also made in the Torah and the Bible and are reiterated here in the Quran. Who is better than Allah in fulfilling promises. O believers! rejoice then on the bargain effected which is a great achievement. 

(112) Those who have entered into a transaction with Allah are: 

1.      They who realizing that they have taken a step in the wrong direction, immediately retreat;

2.      Those who, after deep reflection come to the inevitable conclusion that every thing which is created by Allah, deserves Hamd and also strive to make the Divine Order worthy of that!

3.      Those who appreciate the creations of Allah (1/1, 3/190, 41/53);

4.      Those who travel abroad in the cause of Allah;

5.      Those who bow down and fully surrender before Allah;

6.      Those who enjoin what has been declared to be right by the Quran and forbid the opposite;

7.      Those who, in short, live within the bounds prescribed by Allah

            O Rasool convey glad tidings to these Momineen. 

(113) It is not befitting for the Nabi and the Jamaat-ul-Momineen that they should seek protection for the Mushrikeen even though they be near of kin once it has become clear to them that these people are to be the inmates of Jahannam

(114) It may be asked then as to why Abraham promised his father to seek protection for him. He had made this promise in the hope that his father might follow the right path. But when it became clear to him that his hopes would not be fulfilled and that his father was an enemy to Allah, he declared himself to be free of him. Abraham was tender-hearted and forbearing (14/41, 19/47, 60/4). 

(115) It is not Allah’s way to arbitrarily deprive a people, who are following the right path, of achievements. It is made clear to them what they have to guard themselves against. Doors of prosperity are closed to them if they disobey the Directives. Allah is well aware of the circumstances attendant on everyone. 

(116) Undoubtedly Allah has supremacy over the entire universe; the life and death of nations is determined according to His law of Mukafat. Besides Him, there is no friend or helper for you. 

(117) Allah bestowed His Rahmat upon His Nabi and the Muhajireen and Ansar who had followed him in the hour of distress even though some of them had almost lost their courage. He has now bestowed His Rahmat on them again.

 (118) His Rahmat has likewise been bestowed upon those three whose cases had not been decided and they had been left in suspense (9/106). Due to this suspense they had felt that the earth, despite all its vastness, had become too narrow for them and their very lives, had become a burden upon them. They knew that they had no refuge from Allah except in Him. So Allah turned towards them, so that they might resort to Taubah. Surely Allah alone is Tawwab and Raheem

(119) O Jamaat-ul-Momineen, adhere to the laws of Allah (but this can not be done individually - for this they will have to) be the associates of those who uphold the truth (2/43, 89/29). (The aim of Deen is not individual salvation but collective prosperity and blissful life.)

 (120) The people of Madina and the nomad Arabs dwelling in the surrounding areas had no reason to abandon the Rasool and to prefer their own safety to his (33/61). They did so because they feared the dangers and difficulties of the expedition. The fact is that if they had accompanied the Jamaat-ul-Momineen, the thirst or weariness or hunger suffered in the cause of Allah, any step taken by them disagreeable to their enemies and their success over the latter - for every action - a good deed - all is recorded in their favour. Indeed Allah does not let the reward of those who act righteously go waste. 

(121) There is nothing small or great which they spend in the cause of Allah as well as the journey through a valley which they undertake which is not recorded in their favour so that Allah may requite them with the best possible reward for all that they had been doing. 

(122) It is not desirable that all of the Momineen should go forth altogether (and other affairs of the State are neglected). From within every group amongst them, some should go (to the Centre) to comprehend deeper knowledge of the Divine System. They should then convey these to their people on return so that they may also know what is to be guarded against. 

(123) (On the other hand war is also important for the protection of your Deen) so O Jamaat-ul-Momineen fight hard your enemies who are around you so that they may know how tough you are, at the same time you should keep in mind that Allah is with those who are duty-conscious.

(124-125) When any directive regarding war is revealed, some of the hypocrites say to the believers “which of you are they whose faith has been strengthened by these commandments.” They will certainly strengthen the faith of those who are true believers and make them rejoice. But as for those whose hearts are sick, such commandments will only add to the impurity within their hearts, so much so that they shall die as Kafireen

(127) When any revelation is sent down which refers to the hypocrites, they look at each other and exclaim “Does anyone suspect that this refers to any of us?” That done, they turn aside, and turning aside thus makes their hearts turn. This is because they have lost their capacity of understanding. 

(128) If they had reflected even a little it would have become clear to them that it was a blessing for them that a Rasool had come to them from amongst themselves. When they are even slightly touched by suffering as a result of their own wrong doings, this presses heavily in the Rasool’s heart and he ardently desires their welfare and to those from amongst you who are believers he is all compassion and tenderness. 

(129) But, if despite all this, they still turn away, O Rasool say to them, “Allah suffices me. There is no authority but Him. In Him alone I place my trust because He is the Rabb and commands supremacy over all the things in the universe.” 


The term ‘Najas’ (impure) occurs in the Quran in this instance only and means one who is immoral, faithless or wicked.

ট্যাগ / কী-ওয়ার্ড:

অন্যান্য প্রবন্ধ

January 31, 2025
The Quran Beheld by Nuh Ha Mim Keller - Reviews

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January 24, 2025
আল-কুরআনের ভাষা শিক্ষা - আরবি ব্যাকরণ

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January 17, 2025
কুরানিক এ্যারাবিক ল্যাংগুয়েজ - কুরআনের ভাষা ও ব্যাকরণ শিখার অনলাইন কোর্স

Learning Arabic Language in Bangla. কুরআনের ভাষা শিক্ষা।Course: Quranic Arabic Language Course | Class 1-88 (কুরআনিক অ্যারাবিক ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ কোর্স | ক্লাস ১-৮৮)Lecturer: Professor Mokhter Ahmad (প্রফেসর মোখতার আহমাদ) সম্পূর্ন টিউটোরিয়াল প্লে-লিস্ট Courtesy: Dawah TV YouTube Channel সবগুলো পর্ব আলাদা আলাদা দেখার জন্য পর্ব-১ পর্ব-২ পর্ব-৩ পর্ব-৪ পর্ব-৫ পর্ব-৬ পর্ব-৭ পর্ব-৮ পর্ব-৯ পর্ব-১০ পর্ব-১১ পর্ব-১২ পর্ব-১৩ […]

January 14, 2025
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January 4, 2025
আহমেদ আল রাইসুনির "আল-শুরা" বইয়ের রিভিউ

আহমেদ আল রাইসুনি আধুনিক ইসলামী চিন্তাবিদদের মধ্যে অন্যতম। তাঁর লেখা "আল-শুরা" (Al-Shura: The Qur'anic Principle of Consultation) বইটি ইসলামী রাজনৈতিক, সামাজিক এবং নৈতিক দর্শনের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ গ্রন্থ। বইটি বিশেষভাবে ইসলামে পরামর্শমূলক শাসনব্যবস্থা বা শুরার ধারণা, এর ঐতিহাসিক প্রেক্ষাপট এবং আধুনিক প্রাসঙ্গিকতাকে বিশ্লেষণ করে। বইয়ের মূল বিষয়বস্তু বইয়ের বিশেষত্ব উপসংহারের মূল বিষয়বস্তু আহমেদ আল রাইসুনি তার […]

December 31, 2024
Mathematical Miracles in the Qur'an: A Measured Approach with Amin Lessan via Blogging Theology

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April 22, 2024
গঠন রীতি ও শব্দের ব্যবহারের উপর ভিত্তি করে কুরআনের সুরার ক্রম

কুরআনের ক্রম বের করার অনেক প্রচেষ্টা হয়েছে এবং বিভিন্ন মতামত রয়েছে। স্কলার মার্ক ডুরি কুরআনের শব্দ ও গঠন শৈলি ব্যবহার করে একটি ভিন্ন সুরার ক্রমে উপনিত হয়েছেন যা এই প্রবন্ধের বিষয়বস্ত