(Sometime in the future when man-made socio-economic systems would be replaced by the Quranic Order, the revolutionary conditions at that time would be such that) The rule of monarchy would be eliminated4;
And their small satellite states would collapse and scatter. Their luster and power would fade away;
And the nobles and chieftains who stand like mountains, would be drifted away from their places (20:105; 56:5; 78:20).
And the means of travel and transportation (for example the camels) which at present are very important, will become obsolete;
And uncivilized tribes and undeveloped nations will also adopt a collective social life;
And transportaion across the seas will increase so much that they (the seas) would appear to be all filled up with huge habitations developing on the shores;
When habitations all over the world would start intermixing;
8/9. And when all the girls for whom no one cared and who were buried alive by society, will ask about the crime for which they were slain? (This is when women will be given their due rights);
4 At the time of Quranic Revelation, the largest state in the neighbourhood of Arabs that had monarchy was Persia. Their flag had a picture of the sun on it (just like how the symbol on the Arab flag was the moon.) In this verse, although the sun has been mentioned, it implies the monarchy which the Quran had been revealed to eliminate. The system was eliminated by the Nabi and his companions, but it was re-established. These verses refer to a forthcoming era when monarchy will again be eliminated. The other indications of that era resemble present day life. It is just possible that the enormous changes taking place today are a prelude to the Quranic System.
When information systems shall spread all over;
When celestial bodies will be unveiled one by one (the conditions prevailing over there would be discovered).
(Then the working of the Divine Law of Mukafat will also be accelerated, because at that time the system in which everything is decided according to the law, would have been established. Accordingly) For the guilty the blazing fire of Jahannum will flare up more fiercely.
And for those who follow the Divine System, the heavenly society shall be brought nearer.
Then every person shall see for himself the outcome of his deeds.
(We are not saying these things without purpose; for the entire system of the universe stands testimony to it.) The stars that recede slowly after risingare witnesses to it.
And those which move fast, traverse their courses and go into hiding (53:1; 56:75);
And the (darkness of ) night that comes quietly and goes away;
And the (brightness of) dawn which appears with a message of new life.
(All these signs of nature bear testimony to the fact that) The person who is giving you this message is Our messenger; the most honourable messenger.
He has the support and backing of Wahi from the Almighty, in Whose hands is the central control and command of the entire universe. (Just as the Laws of Nature in the universe are made by God and not by nature itself, the Laws regarding human life, as presented by this Rasool, are also not made by him. They are made by God.)
This Rasool is extremely trustworthy and he is delivering Our message with utmost honesty. In addition to delivering the message, he is establishing a system for actually manifesting it. Therefore, it is necessary that all who are convinced of the truthfulness of this system should trust him and obey his decisions (Without this no system can be established properly.)
Remember! This companion of yours does not speak like as insane person. Whatever he says will happen.
Because he has found himself at the highest and the broadest level of knowledge, where a human being is endowed with Wahi from God. (Thus whatever the Rasool is saying is as if he has seen it with his own eyes ~53:1-7.)
And whatever he receives through Wahi, he does not keep to himself but very generously conveys it to others. He shares it with everyone.
These assertions (whatever he says) are neither coming forth from a rebellious mind, nor are they based on any guesswork which is away from truth and reality.
When this is the reality, then why are you drifting, leaving aside this set of Laws?
(You continuing to turn a deaf ear will do no harm to the code, because it is not meant for a particular nation or country. It is for all nations of the world.
Hence, whichever human nation desires to go on the straight and balanced path, can do so if it so wills (1:5).
But it is necessary that you keep your personal likes, feelings and interests aside and desire only that which the Law of Allah demands; the Allah Who has taken upon Himself the responsibility of providing sustenance to all nations of the world. (Therefore only the nation which resolves to establish the Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat for the universal good of mankind can benefit from it.) In this manner that nation harmonizes its aims and objectives with those of the Divine Law (74:56; 76:30).