দি  ইন্সটিটিউট ফর কুরআনিক রিসার্চ এন্ড এ্যাপ্লিকেশন (ইক্বরা)


ইক্বরার লক্ষ্য হলো বর্তমান ও ভবিষ্যত প্রজন্মের জন্য স্রষ্টার ঐশী বাণীর সমন্বিত অধ্যয়ন ও সার্বজনীন প্রয়োগের জন্য জ্ঞানদীপ্ত অনুশীলন।


ইক্বরার উদ্দেশ্য হলো কুরআনের বাণীর উত্তরোত্তর সমৃদ্ধ অনুধাবনের জন্য টেকসই ভিত্তি প্রস্তুত করা এবং জীবন ও সমাজের প্রায়োগিকতার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় জ্ঞানভিত্তিক ফ্রেমওয়ার্ক বা কাঠামো নির্মাণ।

প্রকাশিত বইসমূহ

066. Surah At-Tahrim

1. O Nabi! Given whatever Allah Almighty has made legal for you, why did you impose prohibitions on yourself just to please your wives? (You have been warned so that) You should not have shortage of protection and development (which would be a natural consequence of declaring things legal or illegal). This is important because your actions do not remain confined to your person. You may leave something because you do not like it; but your followers might think that this thing is intrinsically bad and therefore forbid it for themselves. Therefore you have to be extra cautious.

2. (If you have taken an oath in this regard, then do not worry.) The Divine Laws has already made provision to break such oaths and an atonement has be to made (2:225; 5:89). Allah surely is your Protector. (Accordingly He has made provisions in the Law to expiate for mistakes or human emotions.) He is well aware (of such weaknesses) and therefore has based His Law on wisdom.

3. (This other episode is also worth mentioning.) The Nabi said something in confidence to one of his wives. (Such conversations between husbands and wives do take place.) The wife divulged it to another woman (although she should not have done so) But Allah made it known to the Nabi (through that other woman2). Then he narrated a portion of that to his wife and withheld a part from her. (He made it known to her that he had found out about it but did not disclose the source.) Whereupon she asked him, "Who has told you this?" He said "This has been told to me by the one (that woman) to whom you disclosed the secrecy; and this is how she came to know about it3.”

4. At this Allah ordered “It would be good if both you women (who share this secret) seek Allah’s forgiveness, because you have behaved abnormally. However, if both of you team up and oppose the Nabi, then remember (you cannot do any harm to him, as he is right and because) Allah the Almighty, His Law which has been revealed to him through Gabriel, the Jamaat of righteous Momineen and the Malaika, are with him. They all shall support him.

Everything that human beings ordinarily learn or which can be learned by normal means, many a time can be attributed to Allah. For example in 5:4, the method of training dogs has been attributed to Allah, even though it is common knowledge that any man who has learnt how, can teach the dogs. (Similarly see 2:282; 96:4-5; 55:4.)

If Al-Aleem, Al-Khabeer refer to Allah, then it would mean what has been described under the above note.

5. (The life of husband and wife should be that of harmony, peace and affection. If such a situation does not prevail then it is better to part with each other. As such, if you continue to oppose him then he would have no choice but to divorce you. If this happens keep in mind that) His Rabb shall find him women who would be better wives than you. They would be better in the sense that they would submit to Divine Laws; believe completely in their truthfulness; and reserve all their capabilities for this mission. Should they have any slip, they would take immediate steps for correcting it. They would obey the Divine Laws under all circumstances and accompany the Nabi in his travels and in Jihad (9:112). Women having these qualities would be willing to marry him, whether they are divorcees, widows or virgins.

6. (O Jamat-ul-Momineen, these family laws are being revealed to you so that you may) Ward off and save yourself and your family members from the disastrous results of erroneous ways; from the chastisement of Jahannum where the deeds of human beings who enter add fuel to the fire. In fact they are not human beings but stones, because they lose their capabilities of growth4. This destruction sometimes comes in the form of war and sometimes in the shape of the negative results of an unjust system (2:24). Very severe and powerful heavenly forces are appointed as wardens of this Jahannum. They do not disobey and forthwith carry out whatever command is given to them.

7. (At the time of Judgment) People who at this time refuse to adopt the right course of life will be told, "You will not gain anything from lame excuses. You shall be but recompensed for what you were doing."

8. O Jamat-ul-Momineen! You should always remain conscious that if during the course of your life you take a step in the wrong direction, take immediate corrective measures and come back to the right course. Thereafter stick to it so firmly that you never drift to the erroneous course again. In this way the Law of Mukafat would efface the ill effects of your omissions and also grant you a heavenly life, the freshness of which will never fade. At that time, the Nabi and his companions will not feel low or humiliated anywhere. They will enjoy all the pleasures and successes of life. Their light (of insight) will travel ahead of them and on their right (and left). In this way all avenues of their life would be illuminated and they would continue advancing with the prayers, "O our Rabb! Make this light of ours perfect in every way and keep us safe from all pitfalls. Undoubtedly everything happens here according to measures determined by You.”

9. O Nabi! Tell them that the way to realizing their prayers is to continuously struggle against the mischief of the Munafiqeen and opposition of the Kuffar. Keep yourselves steadfast and attain complete supremacy over them with a stern hand. It is in this way that your opponents will meet the chastisement of Jahannum. How vile their end will be!

10. (While discussing the immutability of the Law of Mukafat) Allah sets forth for those who deny this Law, the example of the wives of Noah and Lot. They were wedded to two of Our most righteous people, but both of them were not faithful to them (in that they did not share their Eiman with them). Their noble husbands could render them no help against the Divine Law of Mukafat. These women perished along with other people who were destroyed. (In other words, the noble deeds of husbands could not help the wives, even though these relations are very intimate.)

11. On the contrary, for the Momineen, Allah sets forth the example of Pharaoh's wife. She always used to pray, "O my Rabb. Build a house for me in Jannat and save me from Pharaoh and his erroneous deeds; rather from the entire nation that perpetuates oppression and Zulm. (This example shows that the erroneous deeds of the husband have no adverse effect on the wife's Eiman.)

12. And the third example is that of Mary, daughter of Imran. She kept her chastity in the atmosphere of monastery, where the immoral priests sought an innocent girl. She never allowed anyone even to touch her. (She did not care for the customary rules of the monastic order. She married and then conceived.) We gave a spark of Divine Energy into the newly born baby (as is done in the case of each human off-spring). She thus testified to the truthfulness of the Divine Laws revealed by her Rabb and His Books. She was one of the most obedient subjects of Allah.

(In these examples it is apparent that bonds of relationships or the effects of one's surroundings cannot become an obstacle to one’s Eiman. Man has been bestowed with a strong willpower with which he can overcome all such hindrances. This was the basis of Allah's proclamation to Iblees, that he would never be able to influence His subjects ~ 15:40; 17:65.)

ট্যাগ / কী-ওয়ার্ড:

অন্যান্য প্রবন্ধ

January 31, 2025
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January 24, 2025
আল-কুরআনের ভাষা শিক্ষা - আরবি ব্যাকরণ

আল-কুরআনের ভাষা শিক্ষা কোর্সে আপনাকে স্বাগতম! আরবি ভাষা শিখুন ও আরবি ব্যাকরণ শিখুন এই কোর্সের মাধ্যমে । আপনি যদি একজন নতুন শিক্ষার্থী হন অথবা আপনার আরবি ভাষার দক্ষতা বাড়াতে চান, তাহলে ক্লাসগুলোতে জয়েন করুন যা আরবি ব্যাকরণ এবং শব্দভান্ডারের মৌলিক বিষয়গুলি শেখাবে। মহান আল্লাহ্‌ তা'আলা তার প্রেরিত সর্বশেষ কিতাব আল-কোরআনের অর্থ নিজে নিজে বুঝতে ও […]

January 17, 2025
কুরানিক এ্যারাবিক ল্যাংগুয়েজ - কুরআনের ভাষা ও ব্যাকরণ শিখার অনলাইন কোর্স

Learning Arabic Language in Bangla. কুরআনের ভাষা শিক্ষা।Course: Quranic Arabic Language Course | Class 1-88 (কুরআনিক অ্যারাবিক ল্যাঙ্গুয়েজ কোর্স | ক্লাস ১-৮৮)Lecturer: Professor Mokhter Ahmad (প্রফেসর মোখতার আহমাদ) সম্পূর্ন টিউটোরিয়াল প্লে-লিস্ট Courtesy: Dawah TV YouTube Channel সবগুলো পর্ব আলাদা আলাদা দেখার জন্য পর্ব-১ পর্ব-২ পর্ব-৩ পর্ব-৪ পর্ব-৫ পর্ব-৬ পর্ব-৭ পর্ব-৮ পর্ব-৯ পর্ব-১০ পর্ব-১১ পর্ব-১২ পর্ব-১৩ […]

January 14, 2025
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January 4, 2025
আহমেদ আল রাইসুনির "আল-শুরা" বইয়ের রিভিউ

আহমেদ আল রাইসুনি আধুনিক ইসলামী চিন্তাবিদদের মধ্যে অন্যতম। তাঁর লেখা "আল-শুরা" (Al-Shura: The Qur'anic Principle of Consultation) বইটি ইসলামী রাজনৈতিক, সামাজিক এবং নৈতিক দর্শনের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ গ্রন্থ। বইটি বিশেষভাবে ইসলামে পরামর্শমূলক শাসনব্যবস্থা বা শুরার ধারণা, এর ঐতিহাসিক প্রেক্ষাপট এবং আধুনিক প্রাসঙ্গিকতাকে বিশ্লেষণ করে। বইয়ের মূল বিষয়বস্তু বইয়ের বিশেষত্ব উপসংহারের মূল বিষয়বস্তু আহমেদ আল রাইসুনি তার […]

December 31, 2024
Mathematical Miracles in the Qur'an: A Measured Approach with Amin Lessan via Blogging Theology

Timestamps:00:00 - Introduction00:17 - Background of the Guest: Amin Lessan00:56 - Interest in the Qur'an mathematical patterns01:41 - Today's Topic02:32 - Introduction04:14 - Caveats & Considerations about the Qur'an09:05 - Case Study: The Qur'an & the Moon Landing12:20 - Analysis & Critique of Loose Connections16:03 - Context of the Quran's Transmission18:59 - Non-Contiguous Revelation of […]

April 22, 2024
গঠন রীতি ও শব্দের ব্যবহারের উপর ভিত্তি করে কুরআনের সুরার ক্রম

কুরআনের ক্রম বের করার অনেক প্রচেষ্টা হয়েছে এবং বিভিন্ন মতামত রয়েছে। স্কলার মার্ক ডুরি কুরআনের শব্দ ও গঠন শৈলি ব্যবহার করে একটি ভিন্ন সুরার ক্রমে উপনিত হয়েছেন যা এই প্রবন্ধের বিষয়বস্ত