1. O addressee (Rasool)!
2. We have not revealed the Quran to make your life cumbersome or to deprive you of the pleasant things in life. (This code will bestow a pleasant and successful life on you ~ 20:118; 123:124. The initial stages of this revolutionary programme shall certainly be difficult, but ultimately it is only you who shall be successful ~ 94:1-6.)
3. The purpose of its revelation is for it to be a source of prosperity and accomplishment for the one who fears that he may be deprived of the bounties of life.
4. This revelation is from the One, Ar-Rahman, Who has created the earth and the high skies (wherein His Laws are in operation with complete command).
5. This is Ar-Rahman, who is in full command and control of the universe.
6. The entire awe-inspiring universe, from the highest point to the lowest depths, is busy fulfilling His destined programme. (The objective of this control is that everything in the universe should continue receiving nourishment ~ 1:2 ~ and every action should produce the correct and appropriate result ~ 45:22.)
7. (Given this state of affairs, that everything in the universe is actively fulfilling Allah’s programme according to His Law of Mukafat, it makes no difference to Him whether you say something aloud or softly.) He is aware of every secret of yours, and all (thoughts and intentions) still hidden within you.
8. In fact absolute authority in the entire universe belongs to Allah. All His attributes (as mentioned in the Quran) are the reflections of His extremely balanced facets.
9. (In order to understand how one, after passing through initial turmoil, reaches the ultimate goals by following the Divine Laws) You have to keep in mind the story of Moses.
10. (We start this story from the incident when) He saw some fire and said to his companions, "You should wait here; I have seen fire far away. Perhaps I will bring you a burning brand from there, or find someone near the fire who may guide us in the right direction (in the darkness of night). (Human intellect, when it is devoid of guidance from Wahi, tries to find it’s path by such guesswork.)
11. When Moses came close to the fire a voice called out, “O Moses!”
12. It is Me, your Rabb. (You have now reached the stage where the long and arduous methods of quest through trial, error and intellectual guesswork are over. Henceforth starts the role of Wahi, whereby the absolute truth unveils on its own. You can now be content and leave aside this long quest; that phase is over ~ 79:16.)
13. I have chosen you (for an important purpose). Therefore, listen very carefully to what is being revealed to you (20:40-41).
14. The very first message of this Wahi is that I alone am God. No one except Me holds any authority in the universe. Therefore, you should obey only Me and set-up the system of Salat in order to establish the superiority of the Divine Order.
15. (Keep in mind that through you) A great revolution is about to occur. Our programme is that the revolution which till now was obscure (to the non-observant) should now manifest itself. This revolution will come so that everyone receives full reward for what they strive for (and the unjust system of exploitation and plundering in the society established by Pharoah, Qaroon and Haman, is finally overthrown. Moreover in that society the rewards of one's labour are taken away by others.) (This revolution will be brought about only by the enforcement of Nizam-us-Salat ~ 20:112.)
16. Keep one thing firmly in mind. (Do not keep with you the) People who do not believe in the impending revolution and continue to follow their own selfish desires. (Because) They will become a hindrance and also a reason for your destruction. (This revolution will only be brought about by people who are convinced about it and do not have selfish desires.)
17. (After this Moses was given instructions regarding the revolutionary programme. These included the art of reasoning and rationale, together with solid arguments to convince opponents and how, at the time of confrontation, to skillfully deal with them with an iron-hand. Thereafter, a voice came from the Unseen) O Moses! With deep insight ponder over these commandments and the instructions; and with the sources of strength given to you say how you will find them?
18. Moses replied, “O my God! These laws and instructions are an immense source of strength for me for carrying out my forthcoming mission. Now I will proceed with their assistance and firmly hold on to them at every moment of difficulty, so that I do not falter anywhere. With their help I will drive my herd (of the children of Israel to whom You are sending me as their shepherd). I will change their inactivity and lethargy into action and movement. Besides this, whenever I confront a problem, I will take vision and guidance from these instructions 3.”
19. “You have understood it correctly”, came the command. "Now you should present it before the people."
20. From then onwards Moses thought about his mission seriously and took stock of the whole situation. He realized that the task of presenting these laws before the people was not easy. He felt as if this gigantic task was like a fast moving python (26:32-33; 7:107-108; 28:32).
3. In translating verses 17 to 22, the allegorical import of certain words has been chosen. If they so prefer, readers may consult other translations for the literal meetings.
21. God reassured Moses and told him not to worry. "Hold on to these laws and instructions firmly. Keep in mind what you had said earlier (that you will also utilize them for beneficial purposes). We will make them (so that for evil forces they shall prove destructive like a python, but) a source of strength for you and your nation.
22. Do not at all be distressed. On the contrary be completely calm and have tranquillity; and with total commitment present your manifesto clearly and rationally. You will surely be safe, sound and successful. This will be the second sign of your success. (The first sign would be the destruction of your enemy. The second shall be the rehabilitation of the supremacy and sovereignty of your own people.)
23. All these commandments are being given to you, so that We can show you how great a revolution can occur through their enforcement. (79:20)
24. Now go to Pharaoh, for he has certainly transgressed all bounds.
25. (When Moses realized the enormous task he had been chosen for; and the powerful forces he had to clash with) He prayed, "O my Rabb! (Since this mission is extremely difficult) Strengthen and broaden my resolve (so that I am able to face all situations with confidence ~ 94:1).
26. “And ease all the hurdles that come in my way (94:5).
27. “And make my speech fluent and forceful (so that I am able to convey Your message in the best possible manner);
28. “So that they fully understand what I say (and it immediately penetrates their hearts).
29-32. “(Since the mission is very difficult) Out of my kinsfolk appoint my brother Aaron for me, so that he will help me by sharing my task, provide me strength and remain by my side.
33. “So that together we can vigorously involve ourselves in accomplishing the assigned task;
34. “And take one step after the other, so that your Divine Law and the system become supreme.
35-36. “You are surely fully aware of our capabilities (and how the two of us together can surmount this expedition).” Came the reply, “O Moses! We have granted all that you have asked for. (Now stand steadfastly and do not let anyone divert your attention ~ 10:89.)"
37. (On hearing this) Moses bowed in deep gratitude and said, "O my God! This certainly is a great favour." Thereupon He replied, "O Moses!. This is not the first time that We have bestowed Our favour upon you; this process (of Divine Favours) started long ago;
38. When (at the time of your birth) We sent a message to your mother (through one of Our messengers);
39. That she should put the child in a chest and place it (the chest) on the river. The waves of the river would then cast him ashore; and the one who is his enemy as well as that of Our Divine Laws, would take him away (for adoption). (It was in this way that you reached the palace of Pharaoh and) There Our blessings made you amenable and lovable to everybody. All this was so arranged because We wanted you to grow up (in the palace) under Our guidance (and be at home and familiar with palace etiquette, politics and statecraft, which you were to challenge one day)."
40. (And when you arrived at the palace) The members of Pharoah’s household were concerned about nursing you. At that moment your sister was passing close by and said (to Pharaoh's household) "Shall I guide you to a woman who can take full responsibility of looking after him?” (This woman was your own mother.) In this way We brought you back to your mother's lap, so that her eyes would remain appeased and she would not grieve (about having been separated from her son). Thereafter, when you came of age you killed a man, but We kept you safe from any grievous consequences. Then (after taking you away from the palace) We put you through various turmoils of rough and tough life so that you become a real stalwart. You also sojourned for several years amongst the people of Madian, as a shepherd. (Think about the stages through which you have passed; for) It was then that you, O Moses, came up to Our standard.
41. And thus We prepared you for a very special task of Ours. (It was not by a simple coincidence that while grazing cattle you went to a place to fetch a burning brand. There We crowned you with Nubuwwah.)
42. You and your brother should now go forth to Pharaoh with My message. And remember, do not show any slackness in following the directives given by Me.
43. (So Moses left for the mission and when his brother Aaron joined him, these Divine Instructions were repeated once again. They were told) “Go forth to Pharaoh, both of you, because now he has transgressed all limits.”
44. (When you meet him) Converse with him in a gentle manner. It is quite possible that he may take heed, or he may become frightened (of the consequences of his transgression).
45. They replied, “O our Rabb. We are very apprehensive lest he behaves insolently with us (takes an offensive position) and becomes violent."
46. God replied "Do not be afraid, I shall also be with both of you. I am All-hearing, All-seeing (and he will not be able to do you any harm).”
47. Now both of you should go to him without any fear and proclaim, "We are the messengers of your Rabb. (He decrees you to) Let the children of Israel go with us; and to not oppress them (anymore). If you follow the path decreed by your Sustainer, it will bring complete peace. In fact peace prevails upon everyone who follows His guidance.”
48. And it has been revealed to us that severe punishment will befall on whoever belies the Divine Message and turns away. (Now you can decide for yourself which course you want to adopt.)
49. (So when the two brothers conveyed the Divine Message to the Pharaoh, he asked them) “O Moses! (First of all) tell me who that Rabb of yours is (whose message you are giving to me. You know every tribe or community has its own separate God. Which one is yours)?”
50. Moses replied, “Our Rabb does not belong to any particular community or group. Our Rabb has created everything; and after giving to it instinctive nature and form, guides it towards the path (leading to its destination). As far as human beings are concerned, they are given guidance through Wahi, which we are conveying to you.”
51. (When Pharaoh realized that he had not been able to corner Moses with his line of questioning. And because he was sitting amongst his royal courtiers who were polytheists like their ancestors; and who according to the Divine Law explained by Moses were all destined to be in Jahannum, in typical pharaonic tone he changed the line of his argument. He asked Moses) “What then, in your opinion, is the state of previous generations?”
52. (Pharaoh had raised this query with a mischievous design, knowing that if Moses said that all of them were in Jahannum, the 'nobility' would rise against him and the issue of the freedom of Bani-Israel would be side-tracked. But Pharaoh did not know with whom he had to deal with.) Moses said, "I do not know what condition those people are in. This knowledge rests with my Rabb alone, and it is recorded in His Decree (according to which their cases will be decided). (Rest assured) Neither does He err, nor does He forget. (Their cases will be decided according to their deeds. Now once again, listen to the reply to your earlier question about what type of Rabb He is, Who has sent us to you.)
53. He is the One Who has stored means of nourishment for all of you everywhere on this spacious earth; made and traced out ways for your movements; and sends down water from the sky and with which He grows various vegetation and plants;
54. So that you yourself may eat and also pasture your cattle." In this Divine System there are signs for those who are endowed with reason, that absolute authority and control over the entire universe rests with Him. (Therefore Pharaoh's claim that he alone was the great rabb ~ 79:29; that this land, the rivers, and the entire country were his property ~ 43:51; and that therefore you all were under his subjugation, was totally baseless and devoid of reason.)
55. It is He Who created all of you from this earth (inorganic matter) and He shall revert your lifeless physical body back to it; and raise you forth once again from it. (Therefore, amongst human beings there is no distinction between ruler and the ruled, master or the slave. He is the real master or ruler; all human beings are equal and are His servants.) You have now understood what kind of Rabb He is, Whose message we have brought to you.
56. (Now Pharaoh understood the message Moses had brought and the kind of revolution he intended to bring about.) Thus (through Moses) We explained in no uncertain terms Our Laws to Pharaoh and also showed him how rightfully they were based on truth and equity. But Pharaoh refused to accept and belied them.
57. He said, "Have you come to us, O Moses, to drive us out of our land by giving us illusive reasons and a false religion?”
58. “In that case we shall certainly meet you with the like (and the reply will be given by our religious priests). So arrange a debate between us and yourself at a place where both stand equal chances. We shall not fail to attend, and nor should you.”
59. Announced Moses, “Your debate shall be on the day of the festival and let people assemble when the sun has risen high.”
60. Then the Pharaoh withdrew, collected his stratagem and returned for the debate at the appointed time.
61. Moses addressed (all the priests who were gathered for the confrontation with him) and cautioned them, "Beware; do not fabricate lies against Allah, lest you are struck by some punishment. (You invent your own religious fables and then attribute them to Allah.) Beware; the Divine Law stipulates that whoever does so is doomed to failure. He pulls them out of their very roots.”
62. (The impact of this grievous warning was that) They started altercating amongst themselves in whispers and secrecy. (This too had an adverse effect on the masses who had gathered there.)
63. (When) The nobles of Pharaoh (saw this impact on the crowd they became very upset and) told the people, "Do you know what these two brothers (Moses and Aaron) really want4? Their real intention is to establish themselves in this land by deceitful means; drive you out from the country; and destroy your religion and cult which is so high and superior. In this way they shall also take away the grandeur, status and authority of the state and the monarchy.”
4 They are the priests of a false religion. Allegorical meanings of these words have been adopted. Readers may consult another translation for the literal meanings.
64. (They addressed the priests and said) “Now forget your differences, concentrate on your strategy and plans and come forward in unison for the encounter. It is certain that whoever succeeds here shall carry the day." (7:111-113; 107:79)
65. They asked Moses, "Will you start (the debate) first or should we explain whatever we want to say?”
66. Moses said, “(It is better that) You state first whatever you want to say in support of your claim.” So they presented their own religion as being against Allah’s Deen; and gave arguments in support of their claims and against those of Moses. (Their presentation was so impressive that Moses was apprehensive that they might succeed by their sheer verbosity and eloquence.)
67. And in his heart Moses became somewhat apprehensive (7:116).
68. We (assured him and) said, "There is nothing to worry about; surely it will be you who is victorious.”
69. “Whatever arguments they have given are deceitful and illusive. Such arguments (of hallucinatory nature) can never succeed, no matter which quarter they come from. (The fact that the state authority is also in support of the clergy will go a long way towards influencing people. However it cannot stand the test of your arguments.) You should therefore present with perspicuous eloquence and clarity, the Divine Laws which you have already found to be a tremendous source of solace and strength to you.” (20:17)
70. (So when Moses presented his case with convincing reasoning, exactly that which Allah had foretold happened. All) The clergy of Pharaoh openly accepted their weakness and exclaimed, "Surely we proclaim our Eiman on the Rabb of Moses and Aaron."
71. Upon hearing this, Pharaoh (became infuriated and shouting at the top of his voice) said, "How is it that you have proclaimed your Eiman on the Rabb of Moses and Aaron before I have permitted you to do so! It appears as if Moses is in fact your master, and has taught you all these illusive tricks (as all that was happening was intriguing). Just see what sort of torturous punishment I will give you all. I shall have your hands and feet cut off on alternate sides (or put you in handcuffs and shackles) and crucify all of you on trunks of palm trees. You will see for yourself which one of us can inflict a more severe and lasting punishment."
72. (They heard the loud threats with complete tranquility and calmness and said) "The truth and the evidence that has been unfolded before us is so convincing that we can neither give preference to your fallacious reasoning, nor can we turn away from the One Who has brought us into being; to instead obey you. So go ahead and do whatever you want. Furthermore your decree is confined to life in this world alone (and we do not care much for this life because it does not end here. Life goes beyond to a point on which you have no access or control).
73. Now that we have expressed Eiman in our Sustainer, we pray to Him to keep us safe from the adverse affects of our previous faults and excesses, in particular the trickery and deceitful devices which you forced us to perform. (We have now seen that only the Divine Law is the best and everlasting.)
74. (We do not care much if you still consider us guilty. What matters is who is considered or found guilty before the Rabb.) “And for whoever appears guilty before Him, there is the grievous castigation of Jahannum where he shall remain suspended between life and death.” (14:17; 87:13)
75. (In contrast) The people who shall have elevated positions are those who appear before Him as Momineen (those who express Eiman) and with a valuable treasure of righteous deeds.
76. For them there shall be gardens of perpetual bliss, through which will be flowing running waters. This is the recompense for those who nourish and develop their ‘selves’.
77. (Thereafter Moses continued training and educating the Bani-Israel and at an appropriate time) We revealed to Moses, "Now leave Egypt together with Our devotees. Do so during the night and take them across from that part of the sea where the water has receded5. You should not be afraid of being overtaken or drowning." (26:63; 24:29)
78. (When Moses left Egypt with his people) Pharaoh chased them with his forces, but the waves of the sea covered them up and they drowned.
79. Like this, Pharaoh led his people astray and destroyed them for he had not guided them correctly (Although Moses had candidly presented the Divine Guidance to him).
80. O children of Israel, We thus delivered you from your enemy; and then on the right side slope of Mount Sinai (through the revelation to Moses) we made a covenant with you (for a bright future). And we also provided to you Manna and Salwa (2:75).
5. In the English translation of Torah, published recently by Jews, it is affirmed that according to the latest research, the Bani-Israel did not go through the Red Sea. Instead Moses took them across via a portion of the river which was marshy and where weeds had grown. Because of the growth there, this part was named the Sea of Reed. It is situated near the present Suez Canal. (The announcement was made by Mr. Lisserz Ussman, Executive Director of the Jewish Publication Society of America Daily Telegraph, September 1962.)
81. Now partake in all the pleasant things We have provided for you, but do not transgress the bounds of equity. If you do that, a dire punishment will fall on you according to the Divine Law of Mukafat. And remember that people upon whom such chastisement is unleashed fall into an abyss.
82. The only way to come out of the abyss is to return to the righteous path as ordained. Leave the erroneous path and do virtuous deeds which would not only help them, but would also help mankind put its affairs in order. Thereafter they should remain steadfastedly on that right path. Only then will the results of their previous misdeeds be erased.
83. (Also recall that particular part of the story when Moses came to the Mount of Sinai and We asked him), “O Moses, what caused you to leave your people behind in such a haste?” (You should have given more time to their training and education.)
84. He said, "They are closely following my footsteps (and my temporary absence will not upset anything). I have come hurriedly to You for (getting) some more guidance, by following which I can complete this mission (as quickly as possible)."
85. Almighty replied that (this is what you think but) in your absence your people are at a turning point, caught in a turmoil, as Samiri has strayed them.
86. (When he heard this) Moses returned to his people full of wrath and sorrow and exclaimed, "O my people. Did your Sustainer not give promises of (so many) enjoyable things of life? Did (the fulfillment of) these promises seem to you too long in coming (that you became disappointed with your Rabb and instead created your own god)? Are you perchance so determined to see your Sustainer's condemnation fall upon you, that you broke the promise you had made to me?"
87. They answered, "We did not break our promises to you of our own free will. (This is what actually happened. Taking a cue from the Egyptian people) We cast off all the ornaments which we were wearing. These (looked nice and were suited to urban life, but in the tough desert existence where we are on the move day and night) had become a burden for us. This suggestion was put in our mind by Samiri."
88. (Out of the molten ornaments) Samiri produced for them the effigy of a calf, which made a howling sound. Therefore the people said, "This is our deity and also that of Moses". (But Samiri forgot how Moses would react to this upon his return.)
89. (However all their explanations were useless, because even if Samiri had made them an effigy of a calf) Could they not see for themselves that neither was it incapable of giving them any answer; nor did it have power to do them any harm or bring any good?
90. Moreover Aaron had warned them earlier, "O my people. This person is leading you astray. Only your Rabb (not the calf) is Ar-Rahman. Therefore do not listen to him; but instead follow me and obey my command."
91. But they totally refused and answered, " Until Moses comes back to us we are not going to stop worshipping it (for we shall see what he says)."
92. Moses (now turned to Aaron and) said "O Aaron! What prevented you (from stopping them) when you saw that they had gone astray?
93. “Why did you not take an action which I would have taken under such circumstances? What was it that prevented you from taking such an action; or have you also (deliberately) disobeyed my instructions?"
94. Aaron answered, "O son of my mother! Do not reproach me so harshly (7:150). I did not stop them so sternly because I feared that on your return you might accuse me of causing a split amongst the children of Israel; and that I did not care for your word. (I tolerated their temporary ignorance, but in fact have saved them from sectarianism.) After hearing this explanation Moses was satisfied about Aaron’s behaviour.
95. Then he turned towards Samiri and said, "What made you do all this?”
96. He said, "(Since I came across your people) I have gained a lot of insight in matters which these people could never have perceived. I had not accepted your commandments in totality, but only a part of them (and had joined your followers for the fulfillment of my own designs). (Taking advantage of your absence) This whole scenario which was conceived by me and it appeared to be very attractive. So I abandoned your message which I had accepted only partly (and was able to bring your nation back to idolatry)."
97. Moses told him, "Now go away and get lost. A lifelong chastisement for you will be your complete social boycott. (By chance) If someone unknowingly comes to you, you should warn him to not even touch you (because you are the debarred Samiri). This is the decree from which you will be unable to escape. Now look at what happens to the 'god' which you had made and worshipped so steadfastedly. We will rub it into dust, burn it and then scatter it (far and wide) across the sea (so that these people can see with their own eyes the helplessness of their idol)."
98. (Then turning towards the Bani-Israel Moses said), "Your Ilah is Allah alone, and only He has to be obeyed. No one else wields authority in the universe. His knowledge extends over everything (and nothing is beyond His control)."
99. (O Rasool!) Thus We are relating to you some of the stories about what happened in the past. (In addition to these stories) We have also given you a Code of Divine Laws (which explains the principles of the rise and fall of nations).
100. Whoever turns away from this Code will bear the consequences on the Day of Judgment (and no one else shall bear this burden).
101. He will abide in this state. And on that Day, how very grievous the weight of this burden will be!
102. (The results of one's deeds also start showing in this life; and this will happen to the people who oppose the truth.) And when the trumpets6 of war are sounded, the guilty will be avenged in such a manner that they will become bleary-eyed with terror (20:124).
103. They will murmur amongst themselves (and tell each other) that our luxurious life (which we thought would last forever) turned out to be so short-lived and transitory, as if it was only there for a week or so. (The duration of immediate gain is always short, as compared to eternal life which prevails beyond the count of time.)
104. We understand very well what they will say (in this state of panic); and the more perceptive of them will question the talk for about a week or so. In fact you will have lived there for not more than a day, as compared to the eternal life. (The duration of that life is like that of a flash.)
105. (Hearing the news of this great revolution) They ask you (awestruck) about the fate of the high people who are standing firm like mountains. (Will they also perish?) Tell them, “My Rabb shall uproot them from the base and scatter them like dust. (18:47; 56:5; 77:10; 78:20; 81:3)
6 The import of this and later verses may also refer to life in the hereafter.
106-107. And they will become so smooth and flat that you shall see no curve, unevenness or ruggedness in them (7:86) (All their cunning and craftiness will be smothered.)
108. On that Day everyone will follow the one who has today invited them towards the Divine Call; and in whose invitation there is no complexity (18:1). All opposing voices will be silenced in the presence of (the system of) Ar-Rahman and nothing shall be heard except the trampling of their marching feet.
109. On that Day, any intercession will be of no avail, except only from those who offer acceptable words according to the Law of Ar-Rahman.
110. (All this will take place exactly in this fashion because) Allah’s Law of Mukafat knows what they have done before and the consequences (that will follow and come to surface at the proper time). (How this will occur) They cannot perceive this (from now).
111. In this (life-imbibing) System provided by the ever-living and self-subsisting Allah, everyone’s latent potentialities shall be actualized. They will all voluntarily stand up for strengthening this system and from the depths of their hearts obey all the Divine Laws. In contrast, the one who is out to transgress shall end up in despair.
112. And whoever does righteous deeds, after accepting the truth of the Divine System, will have no fear of being wronged by a tyrant or being deprived by an exploiter (of whatever is his due).
113. This is the sublime objective for which We have eloquently and explicitly revealed the Quran and in different ways explained the outcome of an erroneous lifestyle, so that people may remain conscious and steer away from that path. The various historical stories (which have been narrated here) have been given so that they raise awareness; and attain eminence and distinction.
114. Likewise these people should observe with reason and conviction that, in reality, supremacy is achieved by being firmly attached to the Divine Laws. This is because these Laws are given by the ultimate sovereign and master. And while implementing the Quranic system, O Rasool, do not be in haste and wait until the full text of Wahi in respect of that matter is revealed to you. Wait until your knowledge is further increased (and only then you should take the next step ~ 75:16).
115. (It is dangerous to follow one's instincts without receiving guidance from Wahi or to ignore it after it has been acquired. This has been earlier explained in the Quran in an allegorical manner, when narrating the story of Adam. As has been explained there, the story of Adam is not that of an individual. It is in fact the story of mankind ~ 2:30-38; 7:11-25.) Earlier We had commanded Adam (mankind) not to lose sight of the guidance revealed in Wahi, but he disregarded it. In fact we did not find him resolute. (That he generally lacks firmness in his resolutions is the fundamental weak point in a human being. And this weakness can be overcome by believing in the Divine Laws.)
116. (This allegorical story pertains to the period when) We commanded all Malaika (the heavenly forces) to bow before Adam; and they all, except Iblees did so. He refused to bow before him. (In other words, except for his own rebellious desires, the heavenly forces can be conquered by a human being. This however can only be done if he makes his desires subservant to the Divine Guidance.)
117. And We told Adam, that this was his enemy as well as that of his spouse; lest it drives both of them out of this blissful life of Jannah. (The rebellious emotions do not affect men only; they also occur in women. Both are liable to become its victims.) (The result will be that you will be deprived of all life’s necessities, which presently are easily and abundantly available to you; and to attain them again) You will have to labour hard and strenuously.
118. At present (with the kind of life you are leading) you do not have to worry about your food or clothing.
119. You suffer neither from thirst, nor from the heat of sun. (You get all the food to eat; water to drink; clothes to wear; and houses to live in. All this is available without struggle. This was the society in which mankind was living in the early stages of human life.)
120. (Later, personal and selfish interests started arousing various fears and apprehensions in his mind. The most alarming and serious was the fear of death. Man did not want to die. The Shaitan thus took advantage of and exploited this weakness.) The Shaitan said to him, "Should I lead you to a tree, the fruit of which (if you eat it) will give you eternal life and a kingdom which will never decay. (Man was already in search of such ambitions; and asked Shaitan to lead him there. The Shaitan replied that man can have these ambitions fulfilled through his offspring. Therein lies your continued existence. Your progeny will keep your name alive. Therefore you should forget the good of humanity and keep in view only the interests of your own children. Why should you worry about others?)
121. (Man fell into this trap and instead of promoting universal brotherhood, got involved in racial complications. This can be allegorically explained like this.) Then both Adam and his wife ate the fruit of this tree. Thereafter they became conscious of their private parts; following which they started covering themselves with leaves from the garden. In this way man disobeyed his Rabb, as a result of which his livelihood and means of nourishment became disorderly. He started treading the wrong path and went astray.
122-123. (But this does not mean that man will remain disappointed and deprived forever. The chances will still remain for him to reclaim the pleasant things by coming back on the right track. Accordingly Adam was told that social life would now be different. It would come down to a lower level where personal and selfish ambitions would make people enemies of one another.) “Nevertheless, guidance from Us would continue coming to you. Whoever follows this guidance will neither go astray, nor be deprived of the pleasures of life; and be involved in the rigours of life (as stated in 20:17 above). In this way Allah guided him towards the paths leading to all kinds of exhilaration. Mankind was thus saved from eternal ruination.
124. At the same time it was also explained to him that means (of subsistence) will be restricted, for whoever turns away from Divine Laws. Furthermore on the Day of Judgment, We shall raise him as if he was blind. (All the bright and shining avenues of life shall darken for him and) This result will occur in this life as well as in the hereafter (17:72; 20:102).
125. And he shall ask, "O my Rabb. Why have you raised me blind, when I had been endowed with perfect sight?” (22:46)
126. Allah will reply, "You remained oblivious and disregarded Our Laws when they were conveyed to you. In the same manner you have been disregarded and deprived (of the lights of life); and have been left alone.”
127. Whoever rejects the truth of the Laws of his Rabb and is defiant and insolent, will be recompensed according to Our Law of Mukafat in the same measure. (That is in this world their economy will be restricted and destroyed; and) In the life hereafter their suffering will be very severe and persistent.
128. “O Rasool! Can they (those who reject the truth) not learn any lesson by recalling the earlier nations (which went against Our Laws and) which We destroyed according to this very Law; and in whose dwellings they are walking around. (In historical evidence) There are indeed ample indications for those who ponder and think.
129. (The fact of the matter is) If according to your Rabb’s Law of Respite the hour of manifestation was not already established then (just as there is a time lag between the sowing of a seed and harvesting the crop), the decreed punishment of doom would have ensued a long time ago.
130. Therefore, patiently bear whatever they say. (Do not lose heart. Instead remain steadfast in your mission, from morning to evening and even in the late hours of night. At all times become completely involved in your mission, to establish the Divine System, so that for the world it becomes the true evidence of His glory. This is the manner in which all your wishes will come true.)
131. Do not even look at the splendour of worldly things which We have allowed to various classes of people (15:88). (And do not let it bother you that people who are on the erroneous path are so prosperous, while those on the right course are undergoing hardships.) (Actually) This pomp and glitter is a sort of crucible into which We have thrown them. (These people will burn in their own fire ~ 104:6-7 ~ and eventually you will see that) Real and everlasting happiness lies in whatever you get according to the Divine Nizam-e-Rabubiyyat (13:17).
132. “You should therefore insist upon your people to always remain active and busy in fulfilling the Divine Mission. You should also remain steadfastedly firm. You should also inform them that the Divine System does not ask you to provide any sustenance. (Although presently it appears that it is taking everything away from you; in fact it undertakes the full responsibility for your sustenance.) And those who (at present) are taking care of this will ultimately receive and benefit from all kinds of bounties."
133. The opponents are now asking why this Rasool is not bringing a visible sign from his Rabb (so that after seeing it everyone would express their Eiman). Tell them, "Truth is not made supreme by exhibiting such signs. It is made so on the basis of reason and logic." (Just ask them) "Is there any line of logic or reasoning in the scriptures of earlier Anbia, that you do not find in the Quran?" (5:48)
134. And if We had destroyed them by punishment before (the Quran was revealed), they would (indeed) be justified in saying, “O our Rabb. If only You had sent a Rasool to us, we would have followed Your Message rather than being humiliated and disgraced.” (5:19)135. (In any case you can tell them) "There is no use in wasting time in discussing unnecessary things. You should continue following your own way; and so will I. And then I will wait for the results of my programme, while you wait for yours. Soon you will come to know who has followed the even and straight path and has reached the desired destination." (6:136)