1. Have you ever pondered over the plight of the person who orally submits to Islam but in practice belies it? In other words, his conduct testifies that if Deen is represented by his deeds, then all its claims are wrong. (53:33; 95:7; 75:32-33)
2/3. (The essence of Deen is that no one should in the slightest feel that he is helpless. If for some reason a person’s needs are unfulfilled, then he or she should be helped at once. However) See the attitude of this ‘religionist’. He pushes away the helpless, neither assisting the needy nor inducing others to do so (69:34;89:10).
4. In order to show himself to be a religious person, he offers a lot of prayers. For such people prayers become a source of self-deception because they are deceiving themselves (and others) that they are the virtuous ones.
5/6. They, in fact, are oblivious to the concept of Salat. The objective of Salat is to establish a society in which everyone follows Divine Laws and every human being continues to receive nourishment. People are oblivious to its objective and their consequential responsibilities; and after performing visible rites, they believe they have fulfilled the duties assigned by the Almighty (9:54).
7. The outcome of such self-deception is that while on the one hand they do offer prayers, on the other they take total control of the sources of nourishment. These however should remain open and available, like ever-flowing springs, for all needy people. They are thus depriving the needy of the sources of nourishment (and thus belying Deen).