We are happy to announce that The IQRA has joined the International Quranic Studies Association (IQSA).
The International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) is the first learned society dedicated to the study of the Qur’an. We hold conferences around the world and publish cutting-edge research and scholarship. The IQSA community and its partners include scholars, students, publishers, and members of the public.
IQSA's Mission & Vision
The International Qurʾanic Studies Association is devoted to fostering scholarship of the Qur’an from a variety of academic disciplines, building bridges between different global communities of Qurʾanic scholarship. The Association offers its members opportunities for mutual support, intellectual growth, and professional development.
The goal for the consultation is to form an independent, international, non-profit learned society, whose members include scholars of the Qur’an from universities and institutions around the world. This collaborative work involves meetings, publishing, and professional development. IQSA will be a network for a diverse range of scholars and educators, and it will serve to advocate for the field of Qur’anic studies, in higher education and in the public square. Its vision of Qur’anic Studies is interdisciplinary, and it seeks to involve specialists in literature, history, archaeology, paleography, and religious studies.
The International Qur’anic Studies Association holds meetings across the nation and globe every year, providing even greater access to professional development and collaboration with colleagues in the field. IQSA’s Annual Meeting is held in conjunction with the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) and American Academy of Religion (AAR) every November. The IQSA International Meeting is held biennially in collaboration with institutes and organizations across the globe.
Click here to learn more about IQSA