1. We revealed this Quran with permanent values and principles at a time when the world had become dark, without the light of Wahi. Hence, the night when the revelation started was indeed the beginning of a new era (2:185;14:1; 44:1-4;81:17-19).
2. Who can tell you better than Allah the Almighty, how sublime and dignified the night was when these illuminating values and principles were revealed.
3. This one night is better and more superior to the thousands of months when mankind had been deprived of the light of Wahi.
4. This night is in fact the harbinger of the era which is destined to emerge with the revelation of Quran; the specialty of that era is that gradually the heavenly forces (forces of nature) and the Divine Revelation5 would supplement one another. Under Divine Guidance, human beings will continue conquering the forces of nature and gradually utilize them for the universal rabubiyyat of mankind. Peace and order shall thus prevail in every aspect of human life (instead of disorder and chaos).
5. The world would thus be rid of all darkness and ultimately the earth will glitter with the most wondrous light of its Rabb (39:69;83:6).
5 “Al-Rooh” is the divine energy that makes laws in the world of ‘Amr’. This divine energy revealed ‘Wahi’ in the heart of the Nabi. That is why Wahi has also been called “Al-Rooh”. That is why, considering the context, we have taken “Al-Rooh” to mean “Divine Energy” at times, and “Wahi” in other places. (See 16:2; 42:53; 17:85-86; 2:97-87; 26:193; 70:4; 78:38.)